Pet Sitting
We offer several different Pet Sitting services. A most popular choice is the Pop In Pet Sitting. We do however offer full days, half days subject to availability. Most of the time we tailor the package to suit your needs and tailor a price to that package, general prices are available on our price page.
Pop In Pet Sitting
We offer twenty minutes to half hour sessions where we simply pop in to provide care for your pet. This can be to let your pet toilet, feed your pet, clean out cages and litter trays, play session, administering medication and generally checking your pet is okay! If however there is something else you would like we are happy to discuss your requirements.
Planning a meal out or trip to the cinema? We offer pet sitting in your own home to ensure your pet has little stress and can stay in the comfort of familiar surroundings. We would come to your dog when you leave and stay with them until you return which can include a walk and feeding as neccesary.
Going away?
Whilst we cannot offer overnight pet sitting or daytime care (due to being out walking other dogs) we can provide a service which allows your dog to stay in its own home. This would include a morning visit whic to feed/ walk, followed by a lunch time, tea time and evening visit. Many prefer the comfort of their own home and enjoy the 1 on 1 attention throughout our visits.
Contact Me
No matter what animal you have or what service you require we will be happy to try and help.There are however times when we are out dog walking. So we recommend text as a point of contact 07790815764 or 07732567163. Texting would allow us to reply quicker as we may not have our diary and need to call home to check dates of availability! And of course we could be walking dogs and no free hands! We will always make sure we reply as soon as possible!